British Canadian landscape artist Georgia Hart works exclusively with palette knives to create her signature impasto oil paintings. Thick peaks of paint incorporate another dimension into her work, creating bold and often rugged scenes. These 3D qualities allow the work to be more than a landscape painting; aiming to evoke intense emotion, while serving as a window to somewhere that is simultaneously familiar and distant.

Georgia uses painting as a way to explore change in landscapes: considering how perspective, weather and seasons can create an uncontrollable, fleeting mood. She uses knives to add an expressive flair to her representational work.

Georgia is based in London and exhibits internationally. She has had sell out shows in the UK and the US including New York City and San Francisco.

Georgia has a science background and before becoming a full time artist, worked in television on landmark documentaries for Netflix, National Geographic and the BBC.

Georgia Hart artist belle freud blue suit contemporary art exhibition Chelsea London. Landscape seascape painter art influencer